Antiquing Our Cabinets
Now that I had finished with all my fabric projects, it was time to move on to paint. But before we could begin we needed a plan of attack. We knew red, antique white, and blue would make up the majority of our color scheme, but where and in what order? My youngest daughter came up with this layout. She made little chips from the paint chips we had decided on and used scraps of fabric. We had fun moving them around until we were happy.

Our Americana themed PUP needed a rustic antiqued look. I've antiqued other furniture several times before so this was an easy choice and was so much fun to add our own artistic touch. First we took off the cabinet doors, took out the drawers, removed all the hardware and any other things that might get in the way.

Next we cleaned and lightly sanded the laminate just enough to rough it up. Then we primed the cabinets, drawers and doors.

I should also say that I did not tint the primer so that the white would show through in the antiquing process. You could tint your primer any color you wish to show through. A lot of people like black and of course black primer shouldn't take more than one coat. 😏

It took 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of paint. Then I began antiquing the drawers and doors with a light use of sand paper and a wet rag to age the edges and other parts.

We spray painted the cabinet hardware, the legs of the table, and the thermostat cover with an amazing paint that gave it a hammered finish!

We also spray painted the heater vent and my favorite thing of all... Our door!

We're having so much fun remodeling our PUP and so excited with the change!

We're not quite done yet but getting close to posting the "big reaveal" Here is the before and far....